PGC Legal has relocated. Visit us at Level 3, 182 Victoria Square, Adelaide                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     .

Business, Corporate & Commercial

Commercial Agreements and Contract Reviews

Are you looking at entering into a commercial arrangement for the supply or receipt of goods or services, entering into a partnership, joint venture or other enterprise? If so, you have a lot at stake.

Don’t leave commercial arrangements to chance or rely on a handshake.  We can help you during the negotiation stage, ensuring that no detail is overlooked.  We can help you ensure that terms and conditions are clear and fair and that should any issues arise, there is adequate protection for your interests.

Don’t let your commercial agreements let you down. Protect your interests and agree your respective rights and responsibilities before difficulties arise.

Contact us to discuss your matter with our experienced lawyers.

Other services

PGC Legal can provide advice, strategy, documents and transactional representation in a range of matters, including:

  • Incorporation of companies
  • Preparation and negotiation of commercial agreements
  • Preparation of Trust Deeds